Upbringing of “Difficult Children” in the Concept of Jan Kuchta

Keywords: Jan Kuchta, upbringing, difficult children, delinquent children, child wanderer, teacher, school, family


The purpose of this article is to present the views of Jan Kuchta, a teacher of the interwar period, on the upbringing of difficult children, i. e. the ones who are defiant and play truant. The presented content is a part of the research area within the history of upbringing and historical pedeutology. The analysis and interpretation of Kuchta’s pedagogical publications was carried out with the help of historical-pedagogical research methodology. In addition to an outline of Kuchta’s scientific biography, the article presents his understanding of the concept of “difficult children”, as well as the characteristics of daring children and those who play truant. The author in question paid much attention to the analysis of the behavior of defiant children, creating on its basis suggestions for educational interventions at school. In the case of children who play truant, on the other hand, it was important for Kuchta to learn about the causes of such behaviour. Only on this basis did he propose specific educational measures the effectiveness of which was to be determined primarily by the subjective treatment of children by educators and teachers and the creation of a friendly educational atmosphere. The postulated end result of the upbringing of difficult children was to bring them back to life in society and prepare them to be guided in their behavior by general human, national, state and religious values.


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How to Cite
Grudziński, A. (2023). Upbringing of “Difficult Children” in the Concept of Jan Kuchta. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(4 (71), 163-174. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2023.1871.12