School and Preschool as a Place of Interpersonal Challenges for the Adopted or Foster Child – the Parents’ Perspective

Keywords: early childhood trauma, adopted child, child in foster care, education, interpersonal development


The article presents the theoretical assumptions of the research, which shows that early childhood trauma has an impact on relationship formation. The aim of the research was to show the specific interpersonal functioning of children with relational traumatic experiences in school/preschool from the perspective of adoptive or foster parents. The practical aim was to identify factors that support and challenge the interpersonal development of these children. The main research question was: what interpersonal challenges does a child with early childhood relational trauma face when attending preschool/school? In the next section, the methodology is presented. The research used a qualitative approach. Data collection methods included focus interview and netnography. The research material consisted of statements made by 21 adoptive and foster parents about the functioning of their adopted or foster child in school or preschool. The next section presents the results of the qualitative analysis of the parents’ statements (thematic sequences and identified categories). The analysis led to the conclusions of the research. The research confirmed that, for a child/student with early childhood relational trauma, being at school/preschool is a challenge for the child, the teachers and the parents. The child needs extra support in forming relationships with teachers and peers. Ordinary experiences are often more stressful for such a child, so it is important to understand his/her situation, show support from adults, moderate the situation among peers and sometimes even create an educational space different from the traditional school/preschool.


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How to Cite
Bartnikowska, U. (2024). School and Preschool as a Place of Interpersonal Challenges for the Adopted or Foster Child – the Parents’ Perspective . Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(2 (73), 51-63.