Factors of a creative approach of a teacher in building abstract geometric concepts by children at a pre-school and early school age

  • Anna Malina Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: geometric terms, creativity, geometry, levels of geometric thinking, enactive level of representation, iconic level of representation, symbolic level of representation, creative approach of a teacher


Taking students in the world of geometric concepts is not an easy task for a teacher. It requires preparation in both these areas: mathematical and psychological. In this process essential factors are: deep knowledge of a teacher about geometric concepts and skills as well as awareness of sequence of levels of geometric thinking. Once the teacher meets these two requirements, he or she is able to create correct abstract geometric concepts and skills in a child's mind. What is more, knowledge about these factors allows the teacher to choose possible ways that lead to the development of mathematical concepts and skills. “A teacher can use creativity of children for gaining knowledge about the world around them and building appropriate learning situations. A creative approach of a teacher cannot rely only on intuition. Instead, it should be based on knowledge, skills, previous experience, observation of children and deep reflection. 


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How to Cite
Malina, A. (2016). Factors of a creative approach of a teacher in building abstract geometric concepts by children at a pre-school and early school age. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, (26/4), 37-44. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/eetp/article/view/314