Formative Statements in the Family in the Light of Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogical Papers (1919- 1939) and Contemporary Dialogs between Parents and Children
The article presents selected formative statements in the family excerped from Janusz Korczak’s texts and from contemporary dialogues between parents and children, in order to sensitize them to the importance of the language they use in the process of communicating with their daughters and sons and to encourage researchers dealing with linguistic pragmatics to undertake broader analyzes on this issue. The research problem of the article is within the question: What is the structure and semantics of formative statements in the family from a historical and contemporary perspective? The method used in the work is a semantic and a pragmatic analysis of an old scientific text and contemporary statements of users of our language, conducted from the perspective of family sciences as a scientific discipline. Formative statements of a negative nature that predominate in the analyzed material are an expression of parental control relating to the actions of their son or daughter, their children’s feelings or their negative assessment, because the deep structure of these linguistic constructions hides violence due to their strong manipulation potential. Positive formative statements give children the strength to act and are a source of encouragement and support.
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