Parental Internet Forums as a Space for Discussing Children’s Speech Development

Keywords: parenting forums, pedagigical culture, child’s speech development, speech therapy, discussion, groups


Parents, as the first educators and teachers of the child, are obliged to delve into the basics of pedagogical theory and practice, which also includes the proper development of the child’s speech. Today, due to the increasing digitalization of the world, the Internet is one of the most popular sources of communication and learning. Parental online forums are becoming a special place for parents in which they may discuss various topics and share information about their own parenting experiences, including speech therapy content. The article will present studies on the analysis of parental online forums in the field of discussion about child speech development. This area, so rich in research information, has become the basis for understanding the ways parents communicate, transmit information, ask questions and give answers; their positive or negative impact on the dissemination of speech therapy knowledge; as well as the culture of expression and compliance with the rules of netiquette of users posting their texts on parental online forums. The collected research material concerning discussions based on speech therapy knowledge on parental Internet forums is presented in the form of quoted real statements of users, without any stylistic or linguistic corrections.


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How to Cite
Miśkowiec, E., & Michalik, G. (2024). Parental Internet Forums as a Space for Discussing Children’s Speech Development. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(2 (73), 91-103.