Literature as a Remedy for the (De)sensitization of the Contemporary Child. Attempt of Practical Approach Using the Theme of War
The text is theoretical in its nature and deals with the subject of the influence of literature on the child in early school age in terms of affecting the sensitivity of the recipient. The author considers the phenomenon of (de)sensitization as a process that would help the modern child to accept taboo phenomena on the example of the subject of war. The article refers to the theory of the Highly Sensitive Child and the “bitter-sweet” impact of art, recalling the works of Elaine Aron and Susan Cain. It was emphasized that the child’s hypersensitivity to certain images or sounds is related not only to natural stages of development, but also, or perhaps mainly, to individual predispositions to sensitivity to stimuli. The considerations included in the article also refer to war-themed texts for children published in Poland. The researcher provides a list of reading materials that may be interesting for contemporary child readers, but are not part of the school canon. The text is supplemented by a practical example of working with Liliana Bardijewska’s work entitled Karim’s Cat and Pictures with the use of a board game as a form of work with text at the level of grades I–III of primary school.
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