Nursery Rhyme, Rhythm and Narrative Thinking in Early Childhood Education

Keywords: rythm, music, storytelling, narrative thinking, silent books, early childhood


The contribution focuses on the effectiveness of nursery rhymes, music, and storytelling in early childhood education.  Various research studies carried out over the past twenty years have demostrated the way in which the use of rhythm, music, and storytelling can facilitate the development of a child’s overall  personality. This study examines the impact of incorporating silent books into early childhood education to enhance a child’s language skills, social interaction, and cognitive development. Over the course of one month, teachers assessed the progress of young children in various domains, including vocabulary acquisition, narrative fluency, and peer interaction. The results highlight the importance of providing diverse opportunities for play with stories, images, and music in supporting holistic development in young children. By integrating these rich experiences into early education practices, educators can effectively nurture linguistic, social, and emotional competencies, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning and growth.


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How to Cite
Rosati, N. (2024). Nursery Rhyme, Rhythm and Narrative Thinking in Early Childhood Education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(3(74), 87-100.