A significant role of perfect reading

  • Wanda Grelowska
Keywords: a teacher reading aloud, readership, text selection, reading supporting forms, a teacher-librarian, library catalogues


The article arose from alarming results of current research on Polish readership. The disastrous situation should induce both teachers and parents to reflect on it. Following the organizers of “The whole Poland reads children” campaign, measures aiming at improving the existing situation must be taken. Aiming at achieving reading maturity, it is necessary to implement some planned and consistent solutions.The publication attempts to emphasize an important role of a teacher reading aloud. Principles  of perfect reading must be reminded. Particular attention is drawn to the selection of an appropriate text which should help develop intellectual activities, sensitivity to beauty, and shape socially desirable attitudes. An overview of selected forms of educational activities will certainly support the reading process. Particularly important is an active role of a teacherlibrarian, who can offer interesting methodsof working with a book. It seems that the set of suggested educational procedures will encourage to commune with literature from the youngest age.


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How to Cite
Grelowska, W. (2016). A significant role of perfect reading. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, (24/2), 11-26. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/eetp/article/view/349