Museum education for children. Alternative spaces
Nowadays museums are considered as an alternative place for modern school education. Methods worked out to make the collections universal and easy available are mostly related to the “learning theories” by Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, Maria Montessori, David Kolb or Howard Gardner. Contemporary museum education bases on friendly, relaxing way of learning, placed in well-organized and specially arranged space. The man and his own activity are the centre, visual methods meet the possibility to touch the objects and to check their functions. There are educational methods leading to discover and to read meanings and senses. Present-day museums are also the room open for multigenerational and diversified groups of school-age students. Museums help to develop a special kind of critical self-consciousness and allow to take part in collective activities. By influencing on personal changes museums become great socializing spaces for the youngest.
This article presents the aspects of alternative education of the youngest pupils as a part of modern museums’ activities. According to “kids museums” evolving in Europe and worldwide, the article describes new educational forms in polish institutions.
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