Support or Audit – What is the Main Function of School Evaluation?

Keywords: evaluation, school evaluation, educational evaluation, attitudes toward evaluation, teachers, teachers evaluation, supervision, support


The paper presents the role of evaluation in the Polish education system. The system is based on three forms of supervision: evaluation, audit and support. They are described in the context of their complex definitions, different meanings, historical roots and law regulations. The description of evaluation is based on E. Guba’s and Y.S. Lincoln’s conception of four generations of evaluation. Evaluation can be identified as assistance or assessment. Notwithstanding its influence on human’s development, it can be seen as a kind of barrier to advancement. The thesis is that understanding evaluation in school as assessment research inhibits schools’ and teachers’ development.According to empirical research conducted in September 2015, the paper presents the main research problem worded in a question: What is the affective component of a teachers’ attitude toward evaluation in school? Qualitative content analysis of the posts in the three biggest Polish internet forums for teachers enabled ten categories to be distinguished which describe the affective aspect of attitude toward evaluation in the teaching profession. Due to the study, evaluation is seen by them as: “a tool of domination”, “nonsense”, “fear generator”, “survival school”, “costs generator”, “necessary evil”, “a secret”, “way of development” and “certification of good job”. The analysis showed that there are strong negative attitudes and that a negative attitude is often connected with understanding evaluation as the process of assessment. Further research would provide an explanation and recommendations for the modification of teachers’ attitudes toward evaluation in schools. 


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How to Cite
Sury, Z. (2016). Support or Audit – What is the Main Function of School Evaluation?. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(2(40), 41-56.