“…and Let the World Dance for You…” Supporting Student Development by Offering Them a Second Chance

Keywords: student, school, second chance, right to failure, time, teacher’s responsibility


The Author presents the idea of a second chance as a fundamental dimension of respect by the teacher for the student’s right to make mistakes. He stresses the importance of time necessary for the realization of a second chance and indicates its metaphorical character. He sees it as an idea that should permeate all levels of education. After the second chance, the student should receive the third, fourth, and another chance. The Author associates it with the understanding of student failure, which cannot be treated by the teacher as the end of student achievement, but the impulse to initiate support activities. He combines this with the necessity of overcoming the cultural pattern widespread in educational practice, the dominant feature of which is time treated as the main criterion of assessment. This pattern is anchored in the system of school tests which predominates in student evaluation. For this reason, the Author claims it is not only a methodical but first and foremost an ethical issue connected with the teacher’s responsibility for the results of his students work.



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How to Cite
Polak, K. (2016). “…and Let the World Dance for You…” Supporting Student Development by Offering Them a Second Chance. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(2(40), 85-96. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2016.1140.06