Improving the Emotional and Social Sensitivity of Teachers through Cultural Education and Art Therapy Methods

Keywords: cultural education, arts therapy, social sensitivity, empathy, teaching methods on university, teacher


The author examines the issue of emotional and social sensibility – one which is essential in the teaching profession and present in social, moral, empathic and cultural education. She also outlines her proprietary programme of “Cultural Education with Arts Therapy” addressed to pedagogical students. According to Read and Wojnar’s conception of “Education through Art”, it is to be found by improving sensibility. In the author’s opinion, “education through art” is not obliged to end together with the period of school education since contact with art can be useful as a didactic tool for adults. Teachers, just as other professional helpers such as art therapists, should be responsive to human problems at the individual and global scale. Students of Primary Education are prepared to fulfill the role of the art therapist. They are familiarized in the course of the classes with chosen methods of art therapy and experience the influence of art therapy on themselves. Receptive art therapies in the case of bibliotherapy consists of the reading of belle-lettres, poetry and stories, whilst in the case of visual art therapy it means considering pictures and for music therapy, listening to classical music. The theoretical base of the programme is the author’s conception of Culture Therapy. The article includes the narratives of students and their impressions evoked by works of art.

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How to Cite
Szulc, W. (2016). Improving the Emotional and Social Sensitivity of Teachers through Cultural Education and Art Therapy Methods. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(3(41), 83-98.