Drama Therapy in the Process of the Subjective Experience of Communication Activity in Late Childhood
Participation in drama therapy workshops creates an attractive opportunity to achieve numerous therapeutic, artistic and educational goals. Workshops for children at early school age have a whole range of diverse therapeutic aims. Thanks to drama play and games they are supported in overcoming their inner constraints and fear resulting from poor social skills that prevent them from public speaking or presenting their own opinions or views to a larger group. A drama play aimed at practicing communication skills teaches them, first of all, the basic principles of collaboration. The organization of the imaginary space, experimentation with various conventions, work on role building or improvisation within a defined thematic context may contribute to the development of specific social competences. This article presents the results of research focused on the use of drama therapy workshops in the development of communicative fluency in children aged 9 -10. Fluency, one of the eight dimensions of communication activity, refers to the ability to participate in dialogue and communication without any tension. The author starts with the discussion of general premises and proceeds to the presentation of workshops conducted with the application of her own MDT model. Finally, she uses the SAK Test to make a statistical evaluation of communication fluency among 56 third graders before and after their participation in the pedagogical experiment.
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