Voice and Music Therapy

Keywords: voice, speech sound, music therapy focuses on culture, music improving the quality of life, the voice carrier currently


The article deals with the issue of the voice as compared to therapeutic qualities. It discusses various aspects of the prenatal age in the context of the recipient and sender transposing messages and information through one sensory channel to another, as well as their expression by a sender. Among the discussed issues, a few thoughts are devoted to breathing with and without phonation, to rhythmic speech exercises and to the role of singing and sound speech. I draw attention to the role, functions and use of vocal repertoire – folk songs functioning in the environment which carry a cathartic message and are proof of identity at the same time. The conclusion of the article sums up the importance of the voice and using it based on the concept of music therapy as the one which improves the quality of life and is focused on culture. The aim of the theoretical analysis presented in the following article is to discuss the issue of the voice in music therapy. Description, comparative studies and interpretation have made it possible to trace and signal the discussed issues. Furthermore, the query of sources allowed for the analysis of particular music therapy concepts in terms of the voice’s functioning within them. Most often in the source literature, music functions as a general concept without specifying the place and role of voice. Reflections on the voice as a sound phenomenon and its subsequent differences from the sound speech and singing as a form of communication on the part of the sender and recipient allowed the study of the concept from the perspective of therapeutic elements. The concept of voice appears only in melotherapy that is, in one of the types of the concept of music therapy involving singing, yet it also comes to the fore here as a narrative factor which is a form of therapy.


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How to Cite
Burczyk, I. (2016). Voice and Music Therapy. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(3(41), 225-238. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2016.1141.13