Musical Adaptation of Literary Texts for Children
The article addresses the issue of setting a literary text to music. It discusses various aspects of preparing learning material based on children’s literature that is enriched or defined by musical interpretation, either vocal and instrumental or musical adaptation. The theoretical analysis included in the text focuses on presenting problems connected with musical adaptation and stages designed to prepare them through listening to the vocal and instrumental repertoire of children’s songs. By applying various means of musical expression, verbal and musical artistic adaptations provide a musical experience to young audience. Descriptive, comparative and interpretive studies have made it possible to trace and signal the subject of a given literary text. Carrying out this study has allowed an analysis of particular musical and literary examples in terms of the relationship between words and music as well as the relationship between the two on the example of children’s repertoire selected for the purpose. Considerations regarding setting a literary text to music are preceded by the stage of listening to the melody of the verses themselves, which constitutes an active response of the recipient to the message contained or interpreted in children’s poetry. What follows is the attaining of the idea of a given song addressed to a child; it gets translated into sounds and, consequently, requires the right choice of instrument. We are then dealing with the confrontation of the world presented in the piece with a non-literary reality – music. The realization of the idea of the song takes place through the sounds and tones produced by instruments chosen appropriately. Intentionalism in words translates into specific means of musical expression and thus the imagined becomes more precisely visible and the artistic creation is presented in more detail. Transposing words into musical sounds requires knowledge of the musical language that introduces one into the world of universal humanistic values, facilitates understanding, activates the reception process, and encourages them to indulge in one’s own artistic activity.
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