Searching for a Model of Mathematical Education: Towards Maria Montessori’s Pedagogy
Mathematics is a school subject which causes students the greatest problems, sometimes throughout their entire school experience. Unsatisfactory learning outcomes in mathematics have been observed worldwide for a number of years, and the lack of or poor mathematical skills make it impossible for many students to cope with the ever increasing demands of modern life. In view of this alarming situation, constant attempts are being made to modify and reform mathematics education curricula in order to improve their effectiveness. The present study explores the difficulties faced by students in learning mathematics. Attention is given to the types and effects of failures in mathematics education. In the context of these problems, the Montessori method is recommended as an alternative. The main assumptions of the Montessori pedagogy are presented, with a special emphasis on the development material. The greatest prominence is given to sensory and mathematical materials, providing their brief characterization and pointing to their high educational effectiveness. In order to bring the characteristics of Montessori’s organizational forms closer (forms of students’ work) the three-stage-lesson is presented. The lesson involves presenting the names connected with the typical developmental Montessori method with the use of Golden Bead Material. The concluding section highlights the didactic effectiveness of Montessori pedagogy in the domain of mathematics education. It is stressed that students who have been educated in Montessori schools work eagerly with mathematical materials and independently. They achieve educational success, acquire new skills and see that mathematics can be easy and pleasant to learn.
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