Legal Issues Pertaining to the Diagnostic Assessment of Children and the Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance Given by Schools and Teachers

  • Łukasz Burliga Pedagog w Zespole Szkoły Podstawowej i Gimnazjum w Gronkowie Doktorant Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie Zawodowy Kurator Sądowy w Sądu Rejonowego w Nowym Targu
  • Anna Zdańska Radca Prawny Absolwentka studiów doktoranckich Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Pracownik Krajowego Biura Wyborczego
Keywords: diagnosis, psychological-pedagogical assistance, psychological- pedagogical advice centers, children, parents, school


This article explores issues surrounding the professional diagnosis of children and young people in school, educational and psychologicalpedagogical advice centers. In addition, it covers opinions and judgments regarding the current legal status of children with respect to issues raised by diagnostic assessment. The article also reflects on the psychological and educational assistance that, on the basis of current regulations laid down by the Ministry of National Education (as of 18th September 2008), children and young people can expect to receive. It not only includes information about the legal status and duties imposed on schools and institutions, but also addresses the reality in which they find themselves – one where they often lack any additional funding for posts for psychologists, teachers, therapists, speech therapists or professional counsellors. The worst affected by this problem are those schools in villages and small towns ranking as the smallest in terms of the number of children attending them. This translates into variations in the time devoted to the diagnosis of dysfunctions and disorders, and diminished access to the resources and therapeutic aid needed when dealing with acute cases. The article also draws attention to the fact that each teacher should be suitably educated, with their range of competencies broadened enough to enable them to collaborate with other teachers and specialists in conducting accurate diagnoses and giving immediate professional help to the children in their care. There is not only a legal but also a moral obligation, in this regard, on both teachers and the schools for which they work.


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How to Cite
Burliga, Łukasz, & Zdańska, A. (2016). Legal Issues Pertaining to the Diagnostic Assessment of Children and the Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance Given by Schools and Teachers. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(33/3), 67-88.