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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. By submitting a text, you are thereby declaring it to be an original scientific article.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published neither in print nor in an electronic form in another journal or monograph in Poland or another country. It has not been submitted to any other publishing house at the same time.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF document file format.
  • Where possible, URL addresses of references as well as DOI numbers of cited articles are provided
  • The font used in the text is Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5. Italics are used instead of underlines (except for URL addresses), all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the text in appropriate places.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, required by the journal.
  • The manuscript submitted for review does not contain data about the Author in accordance with the principle of double-blind review described in the instructions included in the requirements for the Author "Ensuring a double-blind review"
  • The manuscript does not exceed 30,000 characters with a bibliography.

Author Guidelines

The EETP journal publishes texts in Polish and congress languages, with preference for English.

An anonymized text file should be prepared according to editorial requirements (file for download) and submitted via the OJS platform to a specific, selected section: Thematic articles or Varia.

A title page should be submitted as a separate file, containing the following data:

Title of the article - in Polish and English, name and surname of the Author(s), along with an indication of the correspoding Author, ORCID number(s), affiliation (name of the university), e-mail address, as well as a declaration of potential conflict of interests expressed using the following formula: The author/authors declare no conflict of interests and information about financing. In the case of an article prepared by several authors, the percentage share of individual authors' input should be provided.

The cover page should be attached as a separate supporting file (Word). Download and fill up the Title Page.

An expected time to publication from the moment of submitting the text to the final decision on acceptance or rejection is approximately three months. The Editorial Office has a right to extend the time for processing in exceptional situations. The Editorial Office informs the Author/s on an ongoing basis about the extension of the time to make a decision.

                         GENERAL PRINCIPLES

  1. Articles are accepted in Polish and in other congress languages, with preference of English.
  2. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by two Reviewers following the principles of “double-blind peer review”.
  3. The condition for the publication of the text is a positive opinion of both reviewers, confirmed by the approval of the Editorial Committee.
  4. A text submitted to “EETP” cannot be already published or submitted at the same time to the editorial boards of other journals.
  5. Texts may be submitted to: Thematic Articles (according to the published topics for each issue) and to the Varia section, on any topic. Themaic Articles will be published first. Topics for planned issues and submission deadlines are published in announcements.
  6. The journal does not charge for the publishing process (APC) or for the approval of the text (submission charge).
  7. The text sent for review must not contain data about the Author, in accordance with the principle of "double blind review". 
  8. All metadata is completed by the Author before sending the text for review in Polish and English. Please enter keywords one by one (enter after each word).
  9. In the Author's profile the ORCID number should be indicated.

The Editors reserve the right to make necessary corrections, supplement and shorten articles, and give their own titles without violating the authors' basic ideas.

The submitted materials are published without any fees for their Authors. The Editorial Office does not return unsolicited materials.


Thematic Articles

                         TEXT STRUCTURE

Bold title of the article in Polish

Title in English in Capital Letters (e.g. Puppet in the Puppet Theatre)

Abstract in English: 150 to 200 words, in which you should present:

- objectives
- research problem and methods used
- the process of argumentation
- research results
- conclusions and recommendations.

Keywords: in English, min. 5

Abstract/Abstrakt in Polish, between 150 and 200 words
Keywords/ Słowa klucze: minimum 5

Text divided by mid-titles (no headings, no numbering), written according to editorial requirements (no hard spaces, double spaces).


Download technical and editorial requirements.


The editors will not accept empirical research reports that do not include a full description of the research procedure (this should also be included in the abstract).

In the case of quantitative research, the following should be included in the text: aims and problems of the research, research hypotheses, dependent and independent variables and their indicators, research methods, techniques and tools, information about the selection of the study group and the organisation and conduct of the research. Statistical inference techniques are welcome.


  1. Each submitted article should consist of the following parts:
  • INTRODUCTION where the scientific objective of the article and the research hypothesis/thesis (research problem) are described in a short and clear form, with the emphasis on the novelty/uniqueness of the research problem.
  • RESEARCH METHODS AND TOOLS (absolutely required for statistical-analytical articles) and research sources, taking into account the most recent scientific literature on the issues in question.
    (with the possibility to divide it into sections according to the scheme 1; 1.1; 1.1.1; 2; 2.1.) written in a clear and concise manner, which should show the meaning of the results of scientific analyses in a comparative way.
  • CONCLUSIONS which constitute the reply to the research problem with specific SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS. The conclusion may be a brief, independent part summing up the whole process of argumentation.


In this section we publish scientific articles not directly related to the topic of the issue. We encourage you to publish research reports.

The text should be prepared according to the guidelines described in the Thematic Articles Section.

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