An Assessment of the Transparency of Research Proceedings. Implications for the Study of Childhood

Keywords: research report, transparency, rapid review method, education studies, childhood studies


The main aim of the article is to present the application of the Rapid Review Method in assessing the transparency of reports on empirical research. This rapid review method seems to be an interesting proposition for the preliminary assessment of the credibility of research reports. This is especially true when one considers the fact that the number of publications regarding childhood studies is increasing and that, with this increase, there is a need for the selection of information sources. The first part of the article presents the idea of a Rapid Review Method and the issue of the transparency of research reports. The second part is devoted to the illustration of the use of this method by means of the example of original research and the use of an original instrument. Analysis of the collected data provides results allowing the determination of the level of transparency of reports and to characterize the quality of the solutions used. The results revealed that the transparency of research reports is subject to differentiation due to the research strategy, as well as the fact that this transparency is correlated with the level of advancement of the applied analytical solutions. The Rapid Review Method and the presented tool find particular applications when, despite time pressure and insufficient methodological skills, it is necessary to assess the credibility of published research results.


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How to Cite
Pasikowski, S. (2018). An Assessment of the Transparency of Research Proceedings. Implications for the Study of Childhood. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 13(4(50), 27-39.