The Transformation Process in Preschool Education in Łódź after 1918 in the Light of Archive Materials
The purpose of the research described in this work was to attempt to show transformations of pre-school education in Łódź after Poland had regained independence in 1918. The research was focused on the issue of organising pre-school education by Łódź local government, when the only institutions for pre-school children in Łódź included social shelters run by charitable organizations, parishes, communities of various denominations, and private individuals. Others issues included the stimuli and circumstances which decided about the organization of the first and the subsequent twelve municipal kindergartens in Łódź. The research was based on source materials kept in the National Archive in Łódź; the analysis included documents collected there (mainly documents of the Department of Education and Culture of the Municipal Board of Łódź). As a result, it was concluded that in 1922 the Board started pedagogical supervision of app. 15 community kindergartens and the inspection of their operation revealed many oversights. That issue became the main reason for action taken by the Łódź local government aimed at opening municipal pre-school institutions. The research has led to the conclusion that the transformations which could be observed in pre-school education after 1918 include, most of all, an attempt to standardize the pedagogical aspects of the operation of community shelters with a various status and to increase the level of education through regular supervision and methodological improvement, as well as starting a network of kindergartens in the city by opening the first municipal kindergarten in 1924.
Źródła archiwalne:
II. Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi, Akta miasta Łodzi
Wydział Oświaty i Kultury:
sygn. 16789: I Miejska Ochrona-Przedszkole 1924-1926
sygn. 16791: II Miejska Ochrona-Przedszkole 1924-1926
sygn. 16802: Sprawozdania kwartalne przedszkoli miejskich 1929-1933
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