Developing Scientific Thinking as an Important Educational Task that Supports the Harmonious Development of a Child at the Preschool Age

Keywords: key competences, STEAM education, scientific thinking, kindergarten, development of thinking in children


The aim of the study is to emphasize the need to support scientific thinking of children at the preschool age, and to look at the possibilities of supporting this process in the realities of the Polish educational system. The intention of the work is also to pay attention to the advantages of teaching based on the STEAM methodology.  This reflection concentrates around the question about the purpose and possibilities of supporting the development of scientific thinking in young children. The question also concerns the role of the teacher in this process. The analysis of literature suggests that the development of scientific thinking should be a priority of educational programs implemented at the early childhood stage. The first part of the study presents the definition of scientific thinking – the foundation for the acquisition of selected key competences. The author then looks at how the process of supporting the development of scientific thinking is implemented in the educational practice of kindergartens. In the further part of the study, the author argues that actions aimed at developing scientific thinking of children at the preschool age should be a priority educational task of kindergartens. Next, the idea of STEAM education was presented, including the role of the teacher. On the basis of the literature analysis, we can indicate the need to support the development of scientific thinking at the early stage of child development. The role of the teachers is to create an environment that supports the development of children’s scientific thinking. Teachers, however, need system support (courses, training, support from universities).


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How to Cite
Kos, E. A. (2020). Developing Scientific Thinking as an Important Educational Task that Supports the Harmonious Development of a Child at the Preschool Age. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 14(4(54), 11-24.