Fairy Tales in Chains of Education
The paper presents the case of introducing children to fairytale literature. Fairytales, which initiate children’s literary education, tend to be interpreted as typical didactic pieces at school. Their potential connected with influencing the emotional realm and developing aesthetic sensitivity is underestimated. The aim of the research is to recognize the ways of introducing fairy tales and presenting them in selected textbooks used in early education. The subjects of the analysis include “My i nasz elementarz” [We and Our Primer] and “My i nasza szkoła” [We and Our School]. The choice of the above mentioned textbooks resulted from the desire to learn what ways of using fairy tales (or their components) are propagated by the contemporary creators of early childhood education goals. These considerations led me to the description of reception through cognition (intellectual cognition, the fulfillment of didactic goals) and constitute the first part of the article, which I compared with the intuitive reception that grew out of psychoanalytic interpretations. Knowledge, which has its source in a psychoanalytical approach, can provide valuable support in designing activities and creating conditions for the reception of texts in early literary education.
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