The Content of Children’s Stories About the World – an Educational Perspective
The author of the article analyses children’s stories about the world. The aim of the research was to answer the question about the content of stories created by six-year-old children. Two groups of research problems were formulated, which took the form of questions. The first group focused on recognizing the subject of children’s stories, their characters and events. The second group was related to answering the question how reality is represented in the situations created by children, taking into account the category of space in terms of near – far. The subject of the research were the texts of 40 stories about the world told by six-year-olds. The descriptive category was made up of the “situation” in which events and characters were placed in the stories created by children. The story of a child included subjectively perceived situations. It was a representation of states of reality, events, and ways of characters’ behaviour. Content analysis was used as a method. The results of the conducted analyses indicate that the stories of girls and boys differ in the way they depict the presented situations, topics, description of events and the background for the ongoing actions. The analysis shows that children focus on positive content related to pleasure and play. The dominant themes are those that capture the characters’ unusual features, their activity and rivalry. Children also take up the subjects related to travelling, adventure, threats, but also to the demonstration of strength or fighting. Recognition in the examined scope will be conducive to the optimisation of activities in the field of designing the educational environment of the youngest.
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