Selected determinants of the attitudes of educational staff towards inclusive education

Keywords: inclusion, common education, inclusive education, attitudes, disability, determinants of attitudes


The article brings up extremely important issues for disabled people: selected conditions for the success of the educational inclusion process. The research was conducted in a positivist paradigm and was focused on the attitudes of teachers and determinants of these attitudes. For diagnostic purposes, the research tool “Scale for Testing Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education” was used. A total of 363 teachers, school counselors, and school psychologists took part in the study. They represented levels of education from kindergarten to middle school (which is currently part of primary school in any case). Both special and mainstream schools were represented in the study. Variables such as age, type of institution, level of education, and position were taken into account. The results confirmed the hypotheses that some variables—type of institution, level of education, and position—significantly discriminate the results of the groups.

Author Biography

Anna Katarzyna Czyż, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Adjunct professor, audiophonologist: speech therapist, hearing care professional.  Surdopedagogue, psychologist.

The beneficiary of staff exchange programs Charles University in Prague (2015, 2016), University of Barcelona in Spain (2017), University of Lisboa, Portugal (2018). Delegate of the conference i.a in Bulgaria, Latvia, Thailand, Australia, The United Arab Emirates. Author of over 50 scientific articles published in Polish and international journals.


A member of the Committee for Innovation at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, secretary of the scientific journal Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Paedagogica.

Research interests are concentrated around the problem of development supporting of disabled people, biopsychosocial functioning of persons with hearing impaired, especially for alternative and augmentative forms communication. An important part of the scientific work is devoted to subject of social inclusion of disabled people and early intervention for children with developmental problems.

Currently conducted research:

Subjective determinants of coping with stress of people with hearing impairment

A system of early support for the development of a child with disabilities in Poland

Development of globally competent researchers  


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How to Cite
Czyż, A. K. (2020). Selected determinants of the attitudes of educational staff towards inclusive education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(3(57), 49-65.