Crucial Importance of Understanding Health with Regard to Eating Habits: an Intergroup Comparison and Correlation Analysis Among Early Childhood Education and Pre-school Teachers and Students of this Specialization
The aim of the study was to assess: (1) differences in eating habits among female students in the context of their professional status, professional activity, place of work, age and declaration that healthy eating is (not) for them one of the five most important criteria of "being healthy ”, (2) the relationship between eating habits and age and seniority among women for whom healthy eating is one of the five most important health criteria as among those for whom it is not so important. The study included variables such as: eating habits, healthy eating as one of the criteria for "being healthy", gender, age, professional status, professional activity, workplace and seniority. The study covered 100 women - 46 students and 54 teachers (field of study: early school education and pre-school education). The Inventory of Health Behaviors was used to conduct the research (IZZ; Juczyński, 2001) - this tool is used to assess health behavior and the List of Health Criteria (LKZ; Juczyński, 2001) - this tool is used to assess how to define health. The statistical analysis carried out pointed to the key role of defining health for eating habits - women who declare that healthy eating is the basic criterion of "being healthy" have significantly better functioning in this context. The only significant correlate of eating habits was age. Moreover, this relationship was only significant among women for whom healthy eating is one of the five most important health criteria. The obtained research results draw attention to the importance of determining teachers' competences in the field of health and didactic skills in promoting it.
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