Building Child’s Well-being through Developing Mindfulness. Mindful Eating

Keywords: mindfulness, action research, education, awareness, early school education, mindful eating, mindfulness practice


The paper addresses the issue of mindfulness in children of younger school age, with particular attention to the category of mindful eating. It includes theoretical deliberations – defining and understanding key concepts, effectiveness of practicing mindfulness in the light of a review of the research results obtained so far, it also considers the validity of including elements of mindfulness in educational practice and outlines empirical research conducted in the action research paradigm. By adopting the procedure of collecting data from various sources and associating them in their entirety (so-called network thinking), using various research methods and techniques (e.g. observation, self-observation, analysis of products, documentation, free conversation), an attempt was made to achieve the research objective, which was to assess the effects of innovative action introduced into the education system, based on the implementation of mindfulness training elements. The author of this paper was both a researcher cooperating with the teachers implementing the project and a teacher-innovator. The analysis of collected research material indicates the aspects that may constitute a basis for wider discussion and identify issues for further research as well as for improvement of the mindfulness development in educational practice. In conclusion, the question was raised whether the mindfulness practice has a chance for systemic or less formal inclusion in the Polish educational system.



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Mindfulness&Compassion – treningi uważności w edukacji:

How to Cite
Kosz-Szumska, J. (2020). Building Child’s Well-being through Developing Mindfulness. Mindful Eating. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(4(58), 65-84.
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