Nutrition and the Emission of Spoken and Sung Voice of Early Education Teachers
The present theoretical article takes on the issue of the impact of eating habits of early school teachers on voice emission. The author tries to circumstantiate the thesis that teachers eating habits determine the way their vocal tract works. For early school and early education teachers, a vocal tract is an essential tool not only to use while communicating verbally but also used in vocal phonation which can generate additional vocal complications. The author starts with the determination of terminology and review of the literature in which she cites the results of the research done in this area. The author shows that poor diet habits and substance abuse can result in temporary disability of voice, including larynx irritation and mucus obstruction and can also lead to gastroesophageal and obesity. The consequences of taking such an unhealthy behaviour approach can result in cancer formation in the vocal apparatus area. The author tries also to demonstrate that health-oriented activities, such as rational nutrition are also mentioned in the guidelines for vocal health and rehabilitation. The author also emphasises the educational challenge with providing and presenting the knowledge regarding eating habits and its influence on voice, vocal health and rehabilitation to the future teachers.
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