Preparation for the Profession of Early School Teachers in Ukraine

Keywords: primary school, education, reform, teacher, professional training


The issue of training students for the profession of early education teachers in Ukraine is considered in the article. Retrospective analysis of literature shows that the question of preparing teachers for their job was first discussed in the 18th century. Since then, there have been significant changes in the organization of teachers’ preparation for the profession. In 2018, the concept of a “New Ukrainian School” was developed and implemented into Ukrainian education. Its main task was to reform the education system, especially early school education. For this purpose, the standard of educating early school teachers was prepared. It is entitled: “Early Education Teacher in the Public School”. In the first part of this article, the author presents five stages of the emergence and organizational development of educational institutions which train future teachers to work in primary schools (from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 21st century). The second part focuses on organizing the process of educating future early school teachers in the Khmelnytsky Humanities and Pedagogic Academy.


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How to Cite
Bocharova, O. (2021). Preparation for the Profession of Early School Teachers in Ukraine. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(2(60), 9-23.