Education of ECE (Early Childhood Education) Teachers in Iceland

Keywords: elementary education, Iceland, teacher, teacher training, elementary education, Iceland, teacher, teacher training


In the article, the author presents the specific characteristics of the country and its education system, especially pre-school and early school education (grades 1 to 7). The aim of this article is to describe the Icelandic system of training elementary education teachers. The description is mainly based on Eurydice reports which are available in the internet, as well as on the academic offer of two Icelandic universi- ties and the country’s legal acts. The analysis shows that the Icelandic system of educating teachers is similar to the one in Poland: to become a teacher of elementary education, student has to complete two-stage pedagogical studies and obtain a master’s degree. It should be noticed that during pedagogical studies in Iceland students’ practice at schools is very important (especially at the University of Akureyri). Also, Ice- landic universities focus on classes that are connected with various problems of the modern world (e.g., equality, gender, inclusive educa- tion, cooperation with parents, class management).


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How to Cite
Michniuk, A. (2021). Education of ECE (Early Childhood Education) Teachers in Iceland. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(2(60), 39-50.