The Role Model of a Special Educator in Education and Therapy of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Keywords: special edukator, role models, education, therapy, autism


This publication is about a special educator as a role model in the education and therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders. Based on the study of an individual case, the author of the article described the creation and meaning of a relationship that developed through contact with a 3rd grade primary school student who had a document indicating the need for special education due to autism. The student joined the integration class in the middle of the school year. The aim of the article is to show the meaning and the influence of the relationship and the person of a special educator on the process of education and therapy of children with special educational needs. The presented description shows that specialists and teachers play a huge role in the lives of their pupils, and their personality traits ad influence are visible in the progress made by the students.


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How to Cite
Glac, I. (2021). The Role Model of a Special Educator in Education and Therapy of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder . Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(5 (63), 123-135.