Seniors in TV Commercials and and Teaching Preschool and Early School Children Respect for the Old Age
The aim of the article is to analyse the content of selected TV commercials and the image of seniors in them. The author draws our attention to the role of the mass media in the contemporary world. She describes the importance and place of television in the life and development of a child, including the disadvantages of watching TV every day and the benefits of using the media wisely. The next part of the article is a reflection on the stereotypical perception of seniors by children and adolescents and the essence of shaping positive attitudes towards retired people in the society. The author emphasizes that eliminating negative stereotypes of seniors and old age should be implemented from a person’s earliest years, including in the preschool and early school age. Taking into account the opinion-forming power of the mass media, it can be assumed that the shaping of attitudes may be strengthened by the image of seniors presented in TV commercials. Therefore, the author analyzes the content of selected advertising spots featuring seniors. The analysis of the documents is aimed at recognizing their appearance, way of being, social relations and economic situation. The conducted research shows that seniors are not presented in a stereotypical way in advertisements. They are active, well-groomed people who use new technologies and have their own hobbies and dreams. Such an image may contribute to shaping a positive attitude towards seniors and old age in the youngest, which is particularly important in the time of demographic changes.
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