Media Personal Role Models and Their Reception by Early School-age Children

Keywords: personal models in childhood, fictional children's heroes, media education for children, early childhood education, informal education


Due to the growing global virtualization of film and game messages, the processes of influence of media models on children, which are indicated in pedagogical and psychological literature, are gaining relevance and require careful reinterpretation. The article deals with the influence of media personal role models on early school-age children. The empirical research was preceded by the analysis of literature showing the mechanisms and processes of reception of fictitious personal role models with emphasis on the specificity of these processes in relation to children aged 6-10 years. The purpose of the study was to explore children's choices of personal role models and their reasons for choosing such models. The author's analysis of drawings of the children's favourite characters, supplemented by individual conversations with the children, showed a variety of selected patterns and media sources. The data obtained from children's graphic and verbal presentations indicated learning processes based on modeling. There is a clear evolution in the choice of attributes of character models and in their valuation by children. Drawings are dominated by the tendency to reproduce media images. The educational potential of children's learning through media personal models was emphasized, which leads to the conclusion that there is a need for careful presence of adults, such as parents and teachers, in the virtual reality perceived by children.


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How to Cite
Sieczych-Kukawska, A., & Pawlak, M. (2022). Media Personal Role Models and Their Reception by Early School-age Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(1(64), 69-83.