Theology of Creation and Ecological Ethics. Introducing Ecological Themes to the Curriculum of Catechists

Keywords: creation, ecology, catechesis, Laudato si', Chances


The aim of the article is to analyze the content and methodology of the academic course prepared for students of catechetics, entitled "Theology of creation and moral ecology".  The course is inspired primarily by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si', which provides a deeper foundation for ecological ethics than secular ethics, also briefly recalled in the article. The argumentation leads to the conclusion that new initiatives of ecological catechesis are needed to shape the Christian attitude towards the natural environment,  which at the same time is consistent with the state of modern scientific knowledge.  The course presented in the paper may help in preparing future catechists for this task.


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How to Cite
Kaźmierczak, P., & Gałkowski , S. (2021). Theology of Creation and Ecological Ethics. Introducing Ecological Themes to the Curriculum of Catechists. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(5 (63), 25-35.