Review of Development of Students’ Self-regulation of Learning with a Focus on Technical Education : Theory and Research
Mária Kožuchová and Martin Kuruc publication Development of Students’ Self-regulation of Learning with a Focus on Technical Education: Theory and Research. 1. ed. Karlsruhe : Ste-Con, 2020. – 128 p. [print], ISBN 978-3-945862-39
Technology influences a person’s attitudes, values, mental and physical health, behavior, and lifestyle. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the technical education of students from the beginning of school attendance. The European Union countries (hereinafter the EU) pay great attention to technical education. They base their curricula on the Council of Europe's recommendation (2006), which set out the main strategic goal: to create curricula that make the EU dynamic and competitive in the world. Therefore, from the point of view of technical education, it was necessary to: increase students' interest in studying science and technology, develop their scientific and technical competencies, ensure access to information and communication technologies for all students, improve teacher training for science and technology education, and strengthen the link between the world of work and research (Kozík et al., 2013 Dostál, 2015; Dostál & Prachagool, 2016). For this reason, the authors M. Kožuchová and M. Kuruc created a monograph focused on the preparation of students for teaching the subject of technical education.
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