Creativity in Teachers' Work in the Time of Pandemic. Art, Necessity or Challenge?

Keywords: creativity, teacher, remote work, pandemic, education


The text aims to show the specificity of teachers' work in the time of pandemic with regard to the competences of creativity. The theoretical reflection covers the characteristics of the teaching profession and the possibility of distance learning in the pandemic situation. The issues were presented in the form of the following questions: What does the work of teachers look like in the time of pandemic? How does the pandemic affect the quality of education? What methods and tools of work are used by teachers during the pandemic? How do teachers understand the notion of creativity and how is it reflected in their work? The starting point for the analyses were the results of empirical research concerning the indicated problem, conducted by various researchers and the author. The case study method and the problem-focused narrative interview technique were used to gather empirical material. The research was conducted among teachers of various levels of education from the Warmian-Masurian voivodeship. A deliberate selection of respondents was used, focused on the research problem. The results are presented in the article in a selective manner. The reflection on the issues raised indicates the fact that modern teachers are creative. The extent to which this trait affects their professional activity depends on their involvement in educating the young generation, but also on their personality traits. It turns out that creativity is a 21st century teacher's competence; it can be an art, and it can also be a necessity.


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How to Cite
Nosek-Kozłowska, K. (2022). Creativity in Teachers’ Work in the Time of Pandemic. Art, Necessity or Challenge?. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(2(65), 93-135.