Preparation of Pedagogy Students for Creative Education
The article describes issues related to creativity, such as: creativity, 4Ps of creativity model, Urban&Jellen’s model of creativity (Matczak et al., 2000) and issues related to the preparation of future teachers to conduct classes in the spirit of creative education. The aim of the research was to find out the level of the components of preparation for creative education, such as creative aptitude, self-assessment of creativity and evaluation of the creativity of other people. The group of eighty students from the Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok, took part in this research. The Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production by Urban&Jellen (1996), the Self-evaluation questionnaire for creativity (Bartoszewicz, 2021), and the Questionnaire for assessing the creativity of other people (Bartoszewicz, 2021) were used as research tools. The analysis of the research results showed that students’ creative abilities and self-evaluation of creativity is on an average level, and 70% of participants of this research were able to adequately assess the creativity of other people.
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