Way of Free Time – Extracurricular Activities for Students in Grades I–III in the Municipality of Wieliczka
In the article the author based on the analysis of literature and studies describes the role of after-school activities on child development and organization of leisure time and analyze the participation of students in grades I-III in extracurricular activities in the municipality of Wieliczka. Due to the advantages of the program, organizational and methodical extracurricular activities are an important link in the process of organizing free time for children and youth. Perform a number of tasks in the field of supporting the development, education and training among the young generation by: developing a variety of skills, interests, positive socio-moral attitudes, abilities, preparing to participate in culture, inspiring social activity, raising the culture of leisure time. Extracurricular activity was accompanied by a friendly atmosphere free from the stresses and strains that are common in school. Working in small groups allows for individualization of classes and building positive, friendly ties between children. Working together and having fun under the care of friendly instructors who are already aware of their problems and the family environment are able to surround their subjects appropriate care. In today's reality, it is noted a pattern - the bigger the city, the greater the variety of offers to children and adolescents. Therefore, it is important to involve the nearest environment, cultural and educational institutions in organizing various activities to support the development of the child. In view of this situation, enrich and attractive offer social institutions and take the effort to reach the widest possible audience. It is common practice for education activities in small centers that do not have deliberately invoked cultural and educational institutions, but they can arrange joint ventures diverse social forces. Extracurricular education institutions play in the education system a very important role in expanding the functions of school and working with the family and the local community. The organizers of extracurricular cultural and educational institutions may be state and public institutions of educational, cultural, social organizations, associations and other institutions authorized to take intentional educational activity. Non-school institutions of culture and education system are part of a paralleleducation system which is running in an overall system of education and upbringing.References
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