The Process of Pedagogical Diagnosis and its Components in the Opinion of Teachers of Mainstream and Inclusive Schools - Research Report (Part 1)
The author of the article presents the process of pedagogical diagnosis and its components as one of the most important elements of education because it determines, among other things, the quality of knowledge about the student, including their problems, needs, and individual circumstances in achieving goals. Making an accurate diagnosis by a teacher is a complex activity which requires a thorough collection of information, analysis, interpretation and inference, aimed at designing and implementing educational activities tailored to the cognitive abilities of each student.
The aim of the survey was to obtain the opinions of teachers of mainstream and inclusive schools on the process of pedagogical diagnosis and its components, as well as their selected determinants. The study used the method of diagnostic survey carried out with the use of a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part included two open-ended questions about the understanding of the idea of diagnosis and therapy by the surveyed teachers. The second part consisted of closed (categorized) questions about various aspects of the process of pedagogical diagnosis and therapy. For the purpose of this article, only the responses from part two of the questionnaire related to the process of diagnosis and its components were analysed. The research presented here refers to the evaluations of the process of pedagogical diagnosis taking into account its most important components emerging from the beliefs of the surveyed teachers of mainstream and inclusive schools working with children with special educational needs. In both study groups, important components of the diagnosis process were knowledge, practical skills, drawing conclusions based on available data, and the ability to see problem situations from different perspectives.
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