Philosophical Cracks in Readings of a Student of the First Educational Stage - Overview of the Categorization of Texts
In the face of a brutal war in Europe, there is an even more urgent human need to take fundamental questions seriously, to establish some points of reference, and to search for the nature and meaning of existence. This applies not only to mature people, but also to non-adult society, including younger students. At the same time, we need to redefine pedagogy, which, particularly now, has to emphasize the necessity to view education and upbringing from the point of view of a philosophical triad: axiology, ontology and epistemology. The opportunity for implementing such an approach is offered by a modified first literary communication that highlights texts that do not give up their literary uniqueness and are characterized by a latent philosophical code. In particular, I am thinking of prose which contains works the structure of which is rooted in the literary tradition, and which, in addition, fall within the category of audiovisual literature or common literature. The center of interest of such texts is philosophical thought that leads to the necessary reflection of the recipient and to the metaphorical reading of the world, as well as a non-obvious grasp of the key questions.The main subject of the article is the attempt to categorize philosophical literature for children, the ordering of which will be carried out analogously to the study of musicality and audiovisuality in literature. The text highlights a group of works in which philosophical questions appear as contexts, and for which the didactic model is based on a conversation as understood by Zofia Agnieszka Kłakówna (Kłakówna: 2016).
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