Creation of abstract geometric concepts through both child’s creativity and creative activity of a teacher

  • Anna Malina
Keywords: abstract geometric concepts, child’s creativity, two-dimensional, shapes, three dimensional figures, geometric relationships, geometric, activities


The child during its first years of life operates with three-dimensional items from real world. There is a moment in the educational process when its activity takes place in the dimension of the plain. Functioning at the plain requires understanding the concepts and manipulating specific properties (features) of geometric terms. Supporting the child in this area requires from the teacher to many activities that will produce in a child's mind more and wider understanding of concepts such as line, triangle or cube. Child creativity present in education brings joy of creating, positive emotions, natural ability of testing, experimenting, drawing conclusions and comparing. Creative mathematical activity? What opportunities and benefits does it bring? What is it necessary in the development of geometric concepts and skills?


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How to Cite
Malina, A. (2016). Creation of abstract geometric concepts through both child’s creativity and creative activity of a teacher. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, (26/4), 29-36. Retrieved from