Socio-Emotional Functioning of Children at Risk Of Dyslexia and Preventive Activities of Kindergartens and Schools

Keywords: children at risk of specific learning difficulties, social-emotional competences, preventive programs, educational programs, stimulation


This article is an attempt to present the importance of the functioning of children at risk of specific learning difficulties in the socio-emotional area, and the preventive activities undertaken in kindergartens/schools. The first part of the article discusses the difficulties in the socio-emotional area that a child at risk of specific learning difficulties may face already at the level of kindergarten or lower school grades, i. e. with a low level of social competences, internalising behaviours, lower adaptive skills, and withdrawal. Then, the author of the article discusses tasks and roles of the kindergarten and school in improving key competences in the socio-emotional sphere of children, and the possibilities of supporting the proper development in this area of children at preschool and early school age, with particular emphasis on children at risk of dyslexia. This is important because in schools, interventions to improve social-emotional competences are hardly ever undertaken, and the activities of the teaching staff focus mainly on equipping children with the basic knowledge necessary to learn reading and writing. The lack of appropriate training in emotional and social competences causes and deepens difficulties and disorders in reactions in various social situations. That is why, there is a need to take into account appropriate interactions in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Kucharczyk, I., & Wójcik, M. (2024). Socio-Emotional Functioning of Children at Risk Of Dyslexia and Preventive Activities of Kindergartens and Schools. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(2 (73), 119-131.