Parents’ Pedagogical Culture as a Factor in Shaping and Strengthening Resilience in Children

Keywords: culture, parents’ pedagogical culture, resilience, educational awareness, pedagogical knowledge


Socio-cultural changes, on the one hand, create development opportunities, and on the other hand, pose a threat and force the need for change. Modern man, in order to keep up with the pace of life, must respond to changes, adapt to them and actively participate in them. It becomes important for him/her to acquire new skills. Therefore, there are new expectations and requirements for families upbringing the youngest generation. In this perspective, the phenomenon of resilience is revealed, which can be a way of adapting to changing circumstances and foster openness to modification under the conditions of emerging barriers and unforeseen life events. The pedagogical culture of parents is a phenomenon that deserves special attention, since, depending on its level, it can contribute to the well-being and success in life and education of the child, or to its failure. The purpose of the article is to scientifically reflect on the pedagogical culture of parents in the context of the formation of resilience in children, which can be a source of building and maintaining their psychological resilience and well-being. The following research problem was formulated: how can the structural elements of parents’ pedagogical culture contribute to the formation and strengthening of children’s resilience? In order to achieve the formulated goal, a synthetic-analytical review of the literature relevant to the issue at hand was used. The analyses made primarily refer to J. Wilk’s depiction of parents’ pedagogical culture and psychological and pedagogical concepts of resilience.


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How to Cite
Błasiak, A. (2024). Parents’ Pedagogical Culture as a Factor in Shaping and Strengthening Resilience in Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(2 (73), 79-90.