When “Compassion Picks Snails off the Pavement”and Teaches the Reader about Feelings/How to Feel. About Picture Books by Tina Oziewicz and Aleksandra Zając

Keywords: children's literature, picture book, book about emotions, contemporary literature for children, word and image


In modern times, a time of unrelenting overstimulation, often destructive mass media, a specific culture defined by cruelty and fear, a time of constant hustle and bustle, blurring of boundaries and norms, multi-level destabilisation in a changing world, children’s literature should be a refuge, a place full of warmth and wisdom, a specific medium providing support in the broadest sense. Such literature includes books from the “Dwie Siostry” Publishing House: What Feelings Do?, What Feelings Do at Night? and What Feelings Like? written by Tina Oziewcz and Aleksandra Zając, which can be classified as picture books dealing with emotions. These books were the object of the qualitative analysis which was preceded by a review of the literature on the subject. In the first part of this article, the essence of the picture book was presented and its characteristics, which form the determinants of a good book of this type, were presented. The next section is an analysis (of the textual and visual layers) of each of the three titles that make up “emotional” series created by Tina Oziewicz and Aleksandra Zając. The entire article is rounded off with a summary highlighting sample fields (directions) of activity in which the presented books can be used as an initiating and inspiring factor.


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How to Cite
Tomas, I. (2024). When “Compassion Picks Snails off the Pavement”and Teaches the Reader about Feelings/How to Feel. About Picture Books by Tina Oziewicz and Aleksandra Zając. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(4(75), 121-134. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2024.1975.08