The Implementation of Subjectivity in Cooperation with Parents in Montessori Public and Private Preschools – Research Report
The subject of the study was the realization of the idea of subjective treatment of parents whose children attend public and private kindergartens based on the Montessori teaching concept. The aim was to diagnose the current situation concerning cooperation between kindergarten staff and parents in the dimension of instrumental and decision-making and information flow. The primary concern was the question: how do Montessori public and private kindergartens carry out a subjective approach in cooperation with parents? This has been particularized to the issue: evaluation forms and ways of communicating with parents by teachers, participatory decision-making and instrumental capabilities. In order to gather the views of parents we used a diagnostic technique survey questionnaire. The study involved the parents of children who attended preschool for at least one year in four purposely selected pre-school institutions, implementing the educational concept developed by Montessori. Among them were two private and two public institutions from the three cities of Cracow, Białystok and Tychy. The research was conducted in the school year 2014/15. The results showed that there are some criteria of parents’ participation in the work of tested institutions. Parents are informed about the philosophical, pedagogical and organizational concept of a kindergarten. The parents positively evaluated the flow of information on the development of children. The issue of co-operation is governed by kindergarten statute. In some cases, teachers should consult more with parents and educate them about their educational activities in order to develop a uniform impact on the child and to build trust.
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