The Nursery as the Fundamental Place of the Musical Education of a Small Child
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the fact that the nursery, besides being most commonly perceived in Polish society as a place of upbringing and care over children under three, is also a place of the propedautic education of children, including their musical education as well. The issue that is raised in this abstract are the needs and growing skills of a child, his or her functional standards in a given nursery, the way of creating the propedautic educational process as well as musical education. Working on accessible sources like the literature concerning care, education and development of a child under three, offers of the private nurseries in Poznań taken in 2014 and 2015 and on conclusions taken from longstanding observation based on the author’s cooperation with nurseries, the upbringing and education of children and talks with parents, the author comes to the conclusion that the nurseries have specific tasks in supporting the development of children. Taking into consideration that if infants are allowed to be left in nurseries it is obvious that nursing is an essential issue in their care. It is crucial to highlight that, towards every child over care upbringing and educational functions should be taken, those last ones (as the practice shows), however, are difficult to refer to such a small child. Propedautic education in nursery, as well as musical education, is an essential element of every day work with a small child. Undertaking to create a musical definition of a small child it should be highlighted that action and then fun are the dominant forms of child activity at pre- kindergarten age. Propedautic musical education in nursery should take place through the child’s activation and then, during this activity, through fun. Musical education has a propedautic and informal character and is integrated with child’s activity. Its purpose is not only shaping musical competence but the overall stimulation of development.
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