Widely Available Dance Forms and Dance Programs Focusing on the Dance Activity of Preschool-Age Children

  • Karolina Sokołowska Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Wydział Nauk Społecznych Katedra Wczesnej Edukacji
Keywords: dance, instructor, teaching, children, art


Amateur dance movement is becoming an increasingly popular form of activity amongst preschool-age children. A lack of systematization in dance teaching contributes to an inadequate choice of specific forms regarding participants’ needs and abilities. Furthermore, forms available in amateur dance movements introduce the perception of dance as a sport, not an art. During classes, the aim becomes mimicking the precise movement shown by the instructor. Too few situations let children pursue and develop their own way of moving. No attention is paid to carrying a specific message across through dance and children do not have an opportunity to express their emotions through movement. Hence, amateur dance movement often shapes an inappropriate attitude towards dance amongst children. The aim of the article is to indicate chosen group factors related to forming a phenomenon of dance perceived as a preschool-age children activity. Awareness of the specifics of widely available dance forms allows us to indicate which forms are more suitable for children-tailored needs. Research shows that in the dance environment many improper practices of teaching children still exist. Primarily, changes should be sought in inappropriate instructor job training as well as improvements to class organization.

Author Biography

Karolina Sokołowska, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Wydział Nauk Społecznych Katedra Wczesnej Edukacji
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How to Cite
Sokołowska, K. (2016). Widely Available Dance Forms and Dance Programs Focusing on the Dance Activity of Preschool-Age Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(3(41), 207-224. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2016.1141.12