The Art Workshop and its Art Therapeutic Value in Work with Children

Keywords: creativity, art therapy, art workshop, child, plastic techniques


The article is of a theoretical nature and concerns art therapy and specifically therapy through visual art. The author underscores the role of art as the specific form of man’s expressive ability. An artistic work in including the process in therapeutic action, thanks to which the act of creation affords access to the problem and the relevant solution for the artist. Art in this respect has a cathartic, diagnostic, cognitive and education function which the author explains. In terms of pedagogical work, therapy through art is a pedagogical strategy applied in the process of up bringing which supports the integration process of the personality. The basic therapeutic advantage in the case of fine arts is to be found in the art workshop, i.e. through the materials and tools therein. The art workshop is adapted to the individual possibilities of the person. Artistic works reflect the intellectual, perceptual, social, aesthetic and emotional development of a child and the opportunity is taken here to underline and set out what is characteristic of them. The author highlights the appropriateness and therapeutic advantages of the art workshop in work with the child. She pays special attention to plastic techniques: painting, drawing, collage, frottage, dripping and spatial techniques which are recommended in art therapy. She emphasizes that through the plastic form the child expresses and describes himself. Children who are involved in classes of this type have a sense of satisfaction rooted in the fact that they are able to do something. It affects the improvement in their self-assessment and their sense of well-being. They are learning to understand one another, to listen, to talk, to cooperate with one another.


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How to Cite
Szuścik, U. (2016). The Art Workshop and its Art Therapeutic Value in Work with Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(3(41), 31-40.