Art and Artistic Expression as an Aid to Understanding the Child: An Attempt to Design a Tool
The article attempts to design a proprietary tool to describe the child’s process of creating a work of art and to assess the final effect of this process, namely the visual product. Finding methods of understanding the child is one of the basic challenges of modern early school pedagogy, especially when the issues of support for the development of the youngest are tackled together with those with special educational needs. The dimension of therapy implies the necessity of in-depth diagnosis of the child, with every aspect of his or her functioning being important in this context, including aesthetic expression. In the first part, the author concentrates primarily on an explanation of what expression means, especially in the emotional terms which appear fundamental for art therapeutic activities. The author also makes an overview of issues on expressive therapy. The tool for the description of a child’s art creation process presented proposes the data record needed in order to make a diagnosis. The article is addressed primarily to qualified therapists. It is also a voice in the discussion on the diagnostic competences of teachers and school pedagogues who work with children whose main form of expression is the artistic.
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