Friendship in the Opinions of Early School Age Children – a Report on Research

Keywords: friendship, friendship in the early school age, peer relations, friend, interpersonal communication


The subject of the conducted research was friendship among pupils of the first and third grades of elementary school. Its aim was to present an early school age child’s opinions about friendship. The main problem took the form of the following question: “What is the significance of friendship in the opinions of early school age children?” It was further clarified as two questions concerning children’s knowledge about friendship and personality traits which a friend should have. In order to collect children’s opinions, the research tool was a diagnostic opinion poll in the form of a survey. First and third grade students of one of the elementary schools in Krakow were surveyed. There was the same number, namely 26 pupils, in each group and the research was conducted in the school year 2015/2016. The obtained results indicate that children are aware of the significance of friendship and a friend is someone important and exceptional. Taking into account their young age, children possess a satisfactory knowledge about friendship. They are capable of providing a definition of a friend, judging him or her by their personality traits and not by their physical appearance. In friendly relations, they emphasize such values as friendliness, goodness, honesty and a willingness to help one another.


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How to Cite
Szewczuk, K. (2016). Friendship in the Opinions of Early School Age Children – a Report on Research. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(4(42), 99-114.
Scientific articles