Developing a New Psychology of Moral Education for Pre-school Children

  • Liubov Lokhvytska State Institution of Higher Education “Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky”, Department of Education and Psychology (Ukraine)
Keywords: moral education, moral development, preschoolers, children’s morality, personality, moral self-consciousness, moral-“Self”.


The moral education of personality during preschool childhood is essential for moral growth in the next age periods. Searching for new approaches to the implementation of the tasks of moral education of the individual is topical in modern transformational changes in education. The aim of this article is to reveal theoretically the psychological foundations of the concept of the innovation of moral education of preschool children. The main determinant of it is the formation of moral self-identity. On the basis of theoretical analysis it was proven that the moral education of a preschooler should be considered as an integral unity and interaction of such a multicomponent structure: cognitive, emotionally-valuable and behavioral elements. Research results of Ukrainian and foreign psychologists convincingly prove that the dynamics of moral education in preschool age are mediated by the moral feelings of the child. It is also determined by the contradiction between the desire to preserve the child’s positive image of “Self” and representations of the real image of “Self” (which in preschool age synergistically conditioned by a moral image of “Self”). The result of the implementation of this psychological model must be the growth of a child’s moral education – primarily, it will show itself in the enrichment of internal potential and affirmation of moral image of “Self”. The specifics of the represented new look at the psychological basis of preschoolers’ upbringing in conditions of modern education is the creation of an integrative educational model, the core of which is the development of moral self- consciousness.


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How to Cite
Lokhvytska, L. (2017). Developing a New Psychology of Moral Education for Pre-school Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(1(43), 49-66.